- Programming Languages: Java, Python, SQL, C++
- Electrical Engineering: pSpice, Cadence Virtuoso, VHDL
- Frameworks: Amazon Web Services, Airflow, Cloudera, Docker, Django, Git, Hadoop Distributed File System, HIVE, Impala, JUnit, Jules, Jenkins, NiFi
Cloud Academy Inc.
- Amazon Web Services Cloud Practitioner Certification Preparation
- Fundamentals of AWS
Coursera Certifications
- Algorithms I (Princeton)
- Divide And Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms
- First Step Korean
- Introduction To Data Science In Python By University Of Michigan
- Learn To Speak Korean I
- Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software
- Grokking The System Design Interview
- Basic HTML and HTML 5
- Basic CSS
MIT OpenCourseware
- Stanford CS007: Personal Finance For Begineers
- Begineer SQL
- Intermediate SQL
- Advanced SQL
- Apache Spark Fundamentals
- Applying Concurrency and Multi-threading to Common Java Patterns
- Big Data: The Big Picture
- Cloud Computing: The Big Picture
- Cloud Technologies: Executive Briefing
- Creating Acceptance Tests With Fitnesse
- Getting Started with Apache Kafka
- Getting Started With HDFS
- Introduction to Testing in Java
- Java Fundamentals: The Java Language
- The Building Blocks of Hadoop - HDFS, MapReduce and Yarn
- Scala For Java Developers
ProjectEuler Academy
- Introduction To HTML
- Introduction To CSS
- Introduction To JavaScript
- Learn Regular Expressions
- Algorithms (Data Structures) Bootcamp in C++
- Design Patterns in Python
- Introduction To Software Development Lifecycle
- Grow With Google Scholarship: Front End Web Dev
- Intro To Deep Learning With PyTorch